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Copyright © 2021 Yoga Big Island. All rights reserved.
Yoga Big Island understands that practicing yoga outside during this time is one of the safest ways to practice.Take your yoga outside, away from the studio, so you can have peace of mind that you are safe to do what you love.
Yoga Big Island offers a safe environment, and together, with the respect for our beautiful community of Hawaii, we will stay compliant to social distancing guidelines and local regulations.
1. Following the state and county of Hawaii guidelines masks are no longer required outdoors.
2. Contact-less check-in: When you arrive to check-in, please maintain 3 feet social distance as you show us your registration (email confirmation) and pick up your headphones.
3. Sanitized Equipment: We thoroughly clean all headphones after every class. As an extra safety precaution, we have sanitizer available to spray your personal headset if you would like to do so before class.
4. Yoga Equipment: Please bring your own yoga supplies until further notice. We recommend a yoga mat, a flat sheet, a towel, or blanket. Please bring your own props if needed such as a block or a strap.
5. Social Distance: Set up at least 6 feet from your neighbors. Please provide generous space (unless you are in a pod together) around your mat/towel.
6. If you are feeling sick please stay at home.
7. We will be sure to make hand sanitizer available to all participants, please also bring your own if you have it.
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Call or email to book a class or private session.
Copyright © 2021 Yoga Big Island. All rights reserved.